Tuesday, April 15, 2008

AI top 7---Mariah Carey night

When I first tuned in I thought "you've got to be kidding me Mariah Carey night" eee gads. I think Simon said it best after David Cook "its been karaoke up until this point!"

David Cook, man that guy has some serious talent! I bet no one EVER thought it possible to turn a Mariah Carey song into rock. I was covered in goose bumps

David A, you have talent....but not like this.
Saesha, you're screaming gives me a headache.
Carly, you looked beautiful tonite and I'm sorry you weren't given props. BTW, you nailed it
Kristy Lee, you definitely stepped up..possibly too late for you my dear.
Brooke, you remind me so much of Sheryl Crow---loved it
Jason Castro---I was so blown away with David Cook I thought he was the last singer BB9 started and I don't think there's anyway you could pull it off--sorry dude

No doubt we're watching some pretty good talent, but I'm guessing its time to say goodbye to Jason Castro or Saesha. It's just time.

Who's your favorite and why?


Phyllis said...

Sounds pretty universal--even the pro pundits are saying David C was the only one who did anything right. The other Cook (Kristy Lee) is also getting some props, though more lukewarm. David A also received some tepid comments--the remaining 4 were not viewed very complimentary. Hopefully Carly doesn't go--she's my favorite girl. Syesha...Syesha.. Jason.

Anonymous said...

Ba ha ha on the Jason comment. To be truthful, I didn't watch him either. I was so sick of it by that point I totally forgot he hadn't gone yet.

SOUL said...

i think sayesha should have been gone weeks ago ! i cannot stand her ! ERG!
was disappointed to see brooke go-- but expected it.
i think sayesha has someone on the inside-- personally-- and by the way brooke was crying before the results... i think she feels the same way.

anyhow-- how bout the paula think.. what kinda drugs ya think she's on? THAT is MY question of the day-- errr umm WEEK.

happy friday--
nice to meet ya-- i didn't even know you read my blog-- and you apologized for being late-- how sweet is that?
thanks for readin...

Cheryl Engfer said...

Welcome!! I've been really terrible about updating new posts and am hoping to get back at it! You and Angie are so dedicated, it is a goal I'd like to acheive :)

I'm really honked off at AI right now. I'm so bleepin mad that Saeysha and Jason-hair in knots is still on---BORING. Furthermore, I think that David A's time is coming to an end--he's more broadway musical type star, not pop star.

We shall see what happens this week. I tried to boycott and I caved--no willpower here.

Anonymous said...

Now I don't feel so bad for not blogging for a whole week. Girl...it's been almost 4 mos!!! :)