Thursday, March 13, 2008

Struggling with scheduleling

Like most sales people, I have a calendar. I schedule appointments to get to know people that I'm in different networking groups with and how I can help them, we call them "one to ones". I have 2 scheduled for tomorrow. Here's my dilema:
I'm awaiting closing documents for a pretty big deal I'm working on, they were scheduled to arrive at 3:0o today. I'm still waiting. This creates an issue for me because I was meeting with my client at 5:00 to sign said documents. Obviously this isn't happening today. My client is very understanding and appreciative that I've offered to meet with her at her office at 2:30 and him at his office at 3:00 tomorrow. I will do what is most convenient for my customer, its the beautiful thing about my job. I come to them.

Now I need to notify the 2 individuals I have scheduled one to ones with. I've sent them both an email apologizing and suggesting another time next week, but I get irritated because I think I have my week planned out and then WHALA a monkey throws a wrench in and everything is all discombobulated (that is a word).

Have you been in this situation and what have you done to adjust?


Angie Weid said...

I smell WORMS!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a lawyer. My industry is based on monkey wrenches. In fact, I'm pretty sure we'd cease to exist w/out them. I heart monkey wrenches. :)

Cheryl Engfer said...

Share your secrets PLEASE!
I should've also included the kids get into the mix as well. Since I work from home, they think I'm an all day taxi at their becken call. That part is tough, cuz you want to be there for them, but I gotta earn a living too.

Anonymous said...

My secret is work a bunch, pawn the kids off on my mom. NOT clean the house, drive everyone around everywhere. Spend eleventy million hours online answering student emails. Also, there is laundry. Lots and lots of laundry.

Cheryl Engfer said...

So you're really no different than the rest of us Robin. Damn I was hopin for some real assistance here. I was pretty jealous coming home today when my neighbor 4 houses down across the street is at work and her CLEANING LADY IS DOING THE WINDOWS

I want a cleaning lady!!!!! My life would be soooooo much easier