Me: what time is it?
Austin: 4:30
Me: why are you still up?
Austin: I wasn't, I can't tell you cuz its bad and you'll never go back to sleep?
I'm thinking---crap was he online, did he sneek out EEKS
Me: buddy just tell me I won't be as upset and besides I won't be able to sleep until you do.
Austin: I had the electric heater down in the basement cuz its cold and I must've rolled near it in my sleep and my blanket melted and there's a burn mark in the carpet.
Me: WHAT? are you o.k.?
I'm thinking--phew he didn't sneak out and wasn't online til the roosters woke up!
Austin: yeah and so I was looking online on how to repair the carpet and it can be cut out. Uncle Pig will know someone to fix it.
Me: you were online researching, why didn't you come get me? How did you know the blanket go stuck? My heart is really racing here, the outcome could have been WAY different
Austin: it made a really loud noise and the smell was terrible.
I just held him, he was terrified. THANK GOD there is an alarm in that lil heater. It's just a plug in we used when we'd go camping. Now we leave it in the garage and use it when we're entertaining to warm the room. He was smart enough to unplug it and remove it. I wish he'd woke me up, I can't bare to think if this was a different outcome or perhaps even a fire. Would I have woken up?
I did, not until moments after....say to him Austin I'm hoping this is wake up call that you can't always make decisions on the fly. You may think you know everything, but there's always a reason we tell you no. (This wasn't in a bad tone, he's nearly 15 and we've told him this before, but like most kids his age, he has a mind of his own). Really he should've been in his room sleeping because he didn't have any buddies spending the night.
What close calls have you had with your kids, that have almost made your heart stop beating?
God, Cheryl. My heart is beating fast for you!
Here's the story that make me shutter: While I was at an all-day networking event last summer, my hubby picked up our kids from day care. An ordinary day, really.
Now, mind you, I had been telling Terry that my Momma-mobile, nearly 10 years old, had not been sliding into park like it was supposed to; sometimes, but not always, I would put it in park, yet it would roll forward. He thought it was "something else" ... until it happened to him.
That day, he had picked up our daughter from preschool then headed down the road to pick up our son at day camp. He parked the car in a convenient spot that happened to bump up to a little ditch. Then he got our daughter out of the booster seat and headed around the back of the car to go to the pick up spot. Meanwhile, with dad not looking, Holly went toward the front of the car. Fortunately, he looked back and told her to stop and follow him.
Just as she grabbed his hand and they started to walk, he heard a thud ...
Our car was NOT stuck in park. It rolled forward -- then down the ditch.
What would have happened if Holly would have walked in front of the car?
My heart skips a beat every time I think about it.
I am so glad Austin is alright!
OMG, timing. It's all about timing and having the lucky angels up above watching over us. I'm glad she's o.k. too.
I told Austin, Bumpy was definitely looking out for him. That's what the kids called my Dad--my Dad knows I'm a sleeper once I finally crash--so Thanks Dad for watching!!!!
Scary stories...I have one too. Matthew was about 3-4 years old and decided on his own to reheat a slice of pizza in the microwave while I was outside.
Well, I turn and see smoke coming out of my kitchen. Matthew is sitting on the floor banging pots and pans, and my microwave is smoking like crazy filled with flames. Luckily I unplugged it, grabbed him and went outside for the smoke to subside.
I'm not sure how long he had the pizza in the microwave but I remember there was 12+ minutes remaining.
I had to laugh a bit because in college (yes, beer was involved) we discovered a banana will begin to smoke in just over 5 minutes in a microwave. Just a little tidbit in case you wanted to know.
HOLY Sh*t Ang, that would scare the bajesus out of me......BTW while drinking beer, I've never played with fire.....that's more my hubby's dept. Experimenting and all. Most recently at a party--yes booze, lots was involved I believe a gas can was lit on fire and I do recall some hair was singed. LMAO
I don't have kids but have a freak out story about my nephew. One day in December I happened to be shopping at the Andersons the same day as my brother and his family. We passed each other in the lawn and garden department and went about our own way doing our own shopping. Since we are still an "Anderson" family this happens all the time.
A few minutes after passing them I am in housewares when I hear the familiar, "employees cover your exits" page over the PA system. Having worked in the store I knew what this meant - MISSING CHILD. I went over to an employee/friend and asked who they were looking for...a 4 year old blonde boy with a red sweatshirt. The EXACT description of one of my nephews!!!! Of course I freak out and call my brother's cell - "where's Garrett?" as I am running - literally - running down the side aisle and into the main aisle ready to take out any one that might be trying to do anything funny with my nephew. I FREAKED out for like the first time ever with my nephews. It was scary, my brother of course comes around the corner pushing Garrett in the "race car" cart. Securily strapped in! I never felt so relieved! He of course laughed his ass off at me!
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