I was awakened at 4:30 this morning with my son climbing into my bed. Here's our convo:
Me: what time is it?Austin: 4:30Me: why are you still up?Austin: I wasn't, I can't tell you cuz its bad and you'll never go back to sleep?I'm thinking---crap was he online, did he sneek out EEKS
Me: buddy just tell me I won't be as upset and besides I won't be able to sleep until you do.
Austin: I had the electric heater down in the basement cuz its cold and I must've rolled near it in my sleep and my blanket melted and there's a burn mark in the carpet.Me: WHAT? are you o.k.?I'm thinking--phew he didn't sneak out and wasn't online til the roosters woke up!
Austin: yeah and so I was looking online on how to repair the carpet and it can be cut out. Uncle Pig will know someone to fix it.
Me: you were online researching, why didn't you come get me? How did you know the blanket go stuck? My heart is really racing here, the outcome could have been WAY different
Austin: it made a really loud noise and the smell was terrible.I just held him, he was terrified. THANK GOD there is an alarm in that lil heater. It's just a plug in we used when we'd go camping. Now we leave it in the garage and use it when we're entertaining to warm the room. He was smart enough to unplug it and remove it. I wish he'd woke me up, I can't bare to think if this was a different outcome or perhaps even a fire. Would I have woken up?
I did, not until
moments after....say to him Austin I'm hoping this is wake up call that you can't always make decisions on the fly. You may think you know everything, but there's always a reason we tell you no. (This wasn't in a bad tone, he's nearly 15 and we've told him this before, but like most kids his age, he has a mind of his own). Really he should've been in his room sleeping because he didn't have any buddies spending the night.
What close calls have you had with your kids, that have almost made your heart stop beating?